The Art of Buying Reproduction Art

Imagine a simple situation. You move into a new apartment and you find the walls adorned with a beautiful Van Gogh painting. You know it’s not an original piece, but it sure uplifts your mood doesn’t it? Well, that’s the power of reproduction art. You don’t have to pay much, but it holds great value! But, when you go out into the market to buy a Mark Rothko reproduction painting, you should keep in mind a couple of factors because the market is filled with crooks waiting to deceive you. 1. The quality: When it comes to reproduction art, the quality matters. It is not the original, yes! But, the art has to be of good quality to be timeless and aesthetically pleasing. Look for reliable sellers and trusted names that can offer you quality reproductions. 2. The Tone or Mood of the Painting: There are a lot of paintings that evoke strong emotions. It is a great experience watching them once in a while at a museum or exhibition, but when you see dark, overpowering and stron...